Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Birthday times

Well today I am 33 years old. I am thankful and truly blessed to still be alive and kicking. I wanna thank you all for the birthday wishes. I look back and think I am just happy to have survived this long. Hopefully many more years to come. Cherish every moment and hang on to the special ones because you never want to forget what we've been through to get where we are today. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Take charge

There always comes a point in our lives that we must take charge of. Life comes with a lot of responsibility that we can't ignore. We must take it one day at a time. It is best to appreciate the little things life has to offer. Life is a beautiful thing that we must appreciate to the fullest. Pursue your dreams and help make them come true. It just takes dedication and persistent action. We are all capable of achieving anything we put our mind to. Trust me the law of attraction does truly work. Believe in miracles and trust me they will happen. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Monday, July 28, 2014

Mission accomplished

There has been such a build up going back into the studio. I have written so many new songs, it's incredible. It has nearly been 8 months since I have been in the studio. I know you all have been waiting for new material. I am very pleased with the new songs and you will be able to notice the difference in my writing and singing. You know that feeling when you have been waiting for an opportunity and when it finally comes together you exert everything you've got. It is a great feeling and sense of accomplishment to be as creative as possible. Completely focused and present in the moment. Believe in yourself and great things can come your way. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Today, I am happy to announce I will be in the studio. I am going to record all brand new material. I'll be playing acoustic guitar and singing vocals. This new music gives me an opportunity to express myself as a singer songwriter. The lyrics are deep and have substance. I will hold nothing back and will provide an advanced distinct sound that you have never heard before. I am confident that the songs are that good. I hope you all have a great day. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Family first

Family is everything and it lies deep within all the various cultures that exist. We look after one another to ensure safety and success. There is no way I would want it any different. The blood lines run deep within my family for countless generations. It is something I truly appreciate because everyone's situation is different. Regardless of whatever bickering we all have about our families, it is never more important than the love we have for one another. Take a moment today to give thanks for those who love you. In the end, we are all one giant family because we all are one. One kind the humankind. We all bleed the same regardless of culture or where ever we are from. Let's make this an equal world. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Friday, July 25, 2014

Heartbreaks and Sunshine

We can recharge our soul with physical activity. Exercise gets the endorphins flowing and gives you a natural high. Besides that, it is very beneficial to your health. We must remain active to keep our mind, body and soul running like a brand new car. Eat properly and maintain a healthy diet. Exercise also has a great effect on our mood. After you are done, your mood is relaxed and recharged. It is a great feeling to feel so good. The euphoria is a natural high as well. Plus it will help you live longer and your mind is  like a fine tuned instrument. Stay healthy my friends. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Release the tension

It is unhealthy to be carrying around a lot of stress on our mind, body and soul. Sometimes it feels like we're carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. I know...we are not perfect. We must continue to overcome this adversity and learn to de escalate any and all kinds of  situations. Sometimes you just need to move on from the past and remain in the present. We all have our baggage, but it does not mean that we need to carry it around with us every moment in our life. We should allow our minds to be free of this burden. We need to stay cool and relax our mind. Focus on what you need and don't let anyone get you down. Thank you for stopping by.  May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Slow ride

Patience is a true value of life that we must embrace at every moment possible. Success doesn't happen overnight, life just doesn't work that way. You must have a solid foundation that can take years to take form. Once you have laid the ground work for your goals, setup a time line for yourself. You must follow your plan to the finest extent if you want to achieve your objective. You must remain optimistic about your mission. You must remain confident in yourself and be willing to sacrifice everything to make your dreams into reality. Last but not least you should remain disciplined. Stick to the plan and see where it takes you. We are able to achieve anything we put our mind too. With that said, thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

No pain, no gain

We all must deal with adversity at one point or another in our lives. Sometimes more often than not. We must overcome these obstacles and learn from the experiences. This is how we grow and evolve as individuals. Learn from your mistakes and throw a smile on your face. This is just the game of life testing us and our character with as much as we can handle. Life can sometimes be a challenge, but that's what we're here accept the challenge and move forward. Take it all one day at a time, one moment at a time and everything is gonna be alright. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Monday, July 21, 2014

Exceed expectations

Everyday there will be plenty of tests towards you. The list of things can go on forever. We must be able to overcome these adversities in order for us to grow as human beings. We must learn from our choices and evolve daily. Remaining present is the best remedy. Focus on the situation that is going on right now. Take each moment as it comes to you and make sure you react with the clearest of minds. There is so much life has to offer, we must appreciate everything that comes our way. Remain a positive force and the universe shall respond greatly to your needs. With that said, thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Visual retreat

In order to achieve your objective, you must believe in yourself. We all must have confidence and optimism to achieve our goals. We must have the mentality that leads us to success. Nobody can do it for you, you must do it for yourself. It may take years to achieve what your chasing, but if you stay persistent, great things will come your way. Hard work should become a habit. Make your own success and don't live life like your going to win the lotto. Live life to the fullest. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Stay on the task at hand

We can accomplish so much with our creativity from the mind. Our brain is a very powerful part of who we are. When you put both together, we are a very powerful weapon of control. What I mean is...we have the ability to choose how we want our lives to be. We have the power of choice and that is what makes us so unique. If you are driven, you can accomplish anything you put your mind too. Surround yourself with people who are supportive and helpful towards achieving your objective. Feed off of one another's energy and supply encouragement. Treat people the way you want to be treated. If you have good intentions, then great things can happen. Never take advantage of those who care about you, because life comes around full circle and you want good karma. The main goal should be to live a long, happy, peaceful and prosperous life. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Friday, July 18, 2014


Having children is a blessing. They are apart of you for the rest of your life. I was fortunate to have my son. It is a life changing adventure with children. Having a son helped developed me into becoming man. It puts things into perspective and you learn patience. Love your children with all you got. They are our future. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Just keep living

There comes a point where we all question our existence. It's okay, it's normal. Of course we all want to know where we're going in life. But it is up to us to make that decision. We choose the direction that lies ahead of us. We make the decision to put all of our energy into accomplishing our goals. You must dedicate yourself, sacrifice and remain disciplined. I could compare it to boxing for example. A fighter trains and study's when preparing for a fight. Pushing themselves to the limits to gain that competitive edge over their opponents. Life is the same way if you think about it.
Stay blessed my friends. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


It is important for us to be aware, alert and focused on the present moment. Remaining conscious of our choices and preparing yourself for the consequences good and bad. We are all intelligent enough as human beings to decipher what the outcomes can be. Do your best to always make the best decisions possible. Don't follow the crowd either, just do what is best for yourself and the ones you love. We are all evolving daily as people and if more people live this way, the world can be a better place. One person at a time. One day at a time. Have patience and great things shall come. I hope you all have a great day. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace .

One love

Abel Garcia

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


One basic fundamental component of achieving the ability to forgive. We all make mistakes and it is not healthy to judge people for who they are. We are all created equal. We are human beings and we are not perfect. We all have our own ideals and cultures depending where we live. Anyways holding onto grudges doesn't lead to progress. How can we move forward if we're stuck in the past? We can't, and our mind is getting the best of us. We need to forgive and move on. Shit happens and when you can't move on from it, we get stuck. So keep your cool and remember life isn't gonna be perfect we just must keep on living. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Monday, July 14, 2014

No regrets

We have all done our fair share of things we probably shouldn't have. You can't regret it because that is what you wanted at that moment in time. So shake off the dust and take that jacket to the cleaners. No need to be stuck in the past because the past is boring and we need to be present with ourselves. Do you know how much time people waste thinking about the past and talking about it. Now is the time to start moving forward and take charge of your life. Focus on your goals and make dreams come true. We got the ability to do whatever we want in life as human beings. We are that intelligent that we can choose any path we want. Be persistent and never give up. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Change can be the biggest component of our lives. Sometimes our routine isn't working anymore and we need to switch it up. Change can be good or bad. We all have  the right to choose how we want to live. Human beings have the power of choice which is one of our most important aspects of life. Life is about growing and learning everyday. Living in the present moment and focusing on right now. That is all were guaranteed because life changes from moment to moment. Make the most out of these moments and live the life of your dreams. Make the right choices and be sure to live and learn. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia